Saturday, 10 December 2016

The story of Temperance: she's home!

My niece Temperance was born on September 5, 2016 (Labour Day), but at only 24 weeks (and weighing only 680 grams). Given her extreme prematurity she has been in the hospital for weeks, including in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). That all changed on December 3, when she finally made it home. Woo hoo!
My sister writes:
So far things are going well! It's sooo nice to have her home and not having to run off to the hospital everyday. We're so in love. Her older siblings love her too. Paxton will come to you asking "Hold it? Hold it?" Lol. Brigid been drawing pictures of our family and writing the number 5 on them. Temperance is such a blessing to us all.
I want to thank all those who have been such a blessing to our family. You've prayed, you've babysat, you've cooked meals, you've helped financially...In short, you've been the Body of Christ in action. It has been a wonder to be part of it.
I've not yet had a chance to see her since she's been home, but I will be in Ottawa between Christmas and New Years. I'm looking forward to holding her in my arms.